Does Chelsea Really Believe That?

SawingTreeLimbHeisSittingOnHere’s an interesting story from where Chelsea Clinton – speaking at the recent Women Deliver conference in Kuala Lumpur – lamented that her maternal great-grandmother “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.”

You see, Chelsea’s mother’s mother was the daughter of a unmarried, teen-age mother and as her reasoning goes, girls who don’t have ready access to such services can suffer very bad things.

But of course, really good things came from this unmarried young woman. So what does Chelsea wish her great-grandmother had the opportunity to do with her untimely and seemingly future-crashing pregnancy? Certainly she appreciates the implications of this for her and her mother. Or does she?

Her sentiments give very precise, if not ironic, clarity to Ronald Reagan’s famous statement:

“I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

But regretting your own great grandmother’s lack of access to abortion is a head-scratcher. Abortions does more than end an untimely pregnancy. It directly robs humanity of the gift of generations.

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