Dylan Nails It Again…


Let’s get this straight. I don’t really care what you think about Dylan… unless you have a sober and proper view of how he’s as creatively strong as he’s ever been.

And a good argument could be made that since Time Out of Mind – which won Album of the Year in 1997 – each album he’s done since are collectively the strongest consecutive works in his resume… save for maybe the Christmas album, I must say. However the “Must Be Santa” video goes a long way in redeeming that whole project.

Along with these Charles Atlas muscular string of albums, their corresponding videos have all been knock-outs also! Here is his latest to promote his new disc where he croons a load of classic Sinatra tunes.

Straight out, this old man is so stinkin’ cool.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOxy_hy22CA&w=560&h=315]


And this is the first Dylan video where he’s packin’ heat, and I think, runs from the law.

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