Houston, We Have a Problem

I have long thought that one of the most vulnerable parts of the LGBT movement is its proclivity to over-reach in their political and rhetorical work. There have been many concerning examples of this over the years and it makes them vulnerable to people who will see that sometimes these folks don’t play nice, that they are not really about “live and let live.” No small number of them don’t tolerate those who disagree with them. Another one of these over-reaches has recently emerged in Houston from it’s proud lesbian mayor. And it’s a doozie.equal-rights

A handful of pastors who have opposed and worked to repeal a so-called “equal-rights” city ordinance – along with thousands of citizens – have been ordered by the city via the courts to turn over to the government the following as the subpoena demands:

  “All speeches, presentations, or sermons related to [the ordinance], the Petition, Mayor Annise Parker, homosexuality, or gender identity prepared by, delivered by, revised by, or  approved by you or in your possession.” 

  • Pastors and their congregations oppose and seek to repeal a city ordinance through the legal process.
  • The city leaders don’t like that.
  • Said city leaders demand these pastors bring themselves and their work down to town hall for a good scolding and possibly legal action.

Can you believe that? If that is not over-reach, I don’t know what is.

Curiously this very city government is violating its own ordinance in order to protect the ordinance. In the second paragraph of the ordinance, it states:

WHEREAS, the City of Houston seeks to provide an environment that is free of any type of discrimination based on sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, familial status, marital status, military status, religion, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity or pregnancy

 Yes, the ordinance protects religious belief and practice, at least in word, but the city doesn’t seem to want to do so in deed. And yes, pastors and their churches have a fundamental and constitutionally guaranteed right to hold and act on their convictions free from government intrusion or control. Even to do so from the pulpit, in the pews, in the Sunday school classes and the social halls.

So, if you live in Houston and are a pastor of a church, you would do well not to disagree with your city government or they retaliate.

This is a move on Mayor Parker and her city council’s part of world-class arrogance and disregard for both the rule of law and spirit of democracy. It is imperialism and we can suspect that Texans nor the higher courts will stand for this dramatic over-reach.


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