My Hawaii Trip

Been way too long since I have posted anything here. Been busy writing for other sites.

Few weeks ago, I got to go on a work/speaking trip to Oahu. Don’t hate me! I did get some free time, but my hosts did work me hard. But here are some representative pics from the trip.

the car loaned to me by a good friend for “gettin’ around”.
A hidden beach where I swam, a secret gem. Its the beach where the famous kiss scene in “From Here to Eternity” was filmed.
wonderful rock formations down at that secret beach
TV taping with some local pastors and Os Guinness who was on the island for an apologetics conf I was fortunate to be able to speak at. Os, as a good Brit, was not into the Island vibe.
TV taping with some local pastors and Os Guinness who was on the island for an apologetics conf I was fortunate to be able to speak at. Os, as a good Brit, was not into the Island vibe.
where I had my birthday dinner while there. The food tasted nothing as advertised.
where I had my birthday dinner while there. The food tasted nothing as advertised.
Pastor Bird and Lucy Mahelona. Honored to preach at their church one of the Sunday mornings there. Bird was one of the islands celebrated big wave surfers.
Pastor Bird and Lucy Mahelona. Honored to preach at their church one of the Sunday mornings there. Bird was one of the island’s celebrated big wave surfers and is now an amazing pastor and community leader.


if they ever ask you if you want pineapple salsa with your chips, the definitive answer is "Heck YA!!" Like nothing you've ever had.
When asked if you want pineapple salsa with your chips, the definitive answer is “Duh!” Like nothing you’ve ever had.
a very authentic - and amazing - Hawaiian lunch with Pastor Waxer Tipton.
Ever wonder where the gluten from “gluten free” goes to? They ship it to Honolulu’s China Town and fry it up!
very authentic and amazingly delish lunch with Pastor Waxer Tipton
Last day there, got to head up to Waimea Bay and Pipe and see some of the biggest waves there in decades. You could nearly actually feel the thunder of them.
Last day there, got to head up to Waimea Bay and Pipeline to see some of the biggest waves there in decades. You could nearly actually feel the thunder of them. All beaches closed down, even to surfers. No one paddled out. Bummer I couldn’t really get good pictures of them to do justice.
This waterman evaded the lifeguards though and made it to the break.
Waikiki and Diamond Head in the distance.
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