This is just one more example among many of how extremist and tone-deaf leading abortion advocates are.
Yesterday, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand told (watch video here) the editorial board of the Des Moines Register,
I think there are some issues that have such moral clarity, that we have, as a society, decided that the other side is unacceptable.
Absolutely breathtaking. Abortion is an unquestionable moral good? How is that for a new fundamentalism?
“…[W]e as a society have decided that [being pro-life] is not acceptable…” Oh really? Half the nation didn’t get the memo Senator.
And without hesitation, with full conviction, she then compares the pro-life position with being racist or anti-semetic. That is as vile as it is ignorant.
But she doesn’t stop there. She says the pro-life position is only driven by religious conviction. Sorry pro-lifers, you know nothing of science and reason. A very effecient (but terribly dishonest) way to dismiss your opponents.
Senator Gillibrnad has no idea what she’s talking about and does so shamelessly. She might try meeting a few of her pro-life constituents. Ask them what they actually believe and why before telling us what we believe and why.
The pro-abortion leadership has found themselves in a deep pit because of their tone-deaf radicalness – such as rejecting ANY, even the smallest, limitation on abortion – and they just keep digging. I think they should continue.