Family Formation

Family Formation and Poverty: A History of Academic Inquiry and Its Major Findings
Family Formation and Poverty:
A History of Academic Inquiry and Its Major Findings


Family Formation and Poverty: A History of Academic Inquiry and Its Major FindingsThe dramatic connection between thriving, intact families being a woman’s and child’s strongest protection against poverty has been well-established for decades.


You Cannot Improve on God’s Design for the Family
You Cannot Improve on God’s Design for the Family.


You cannot Improve on God’s Design for the Family: We who live in the 21st century must not arrogantly assume we can change or improve upon what God lovingly and wisely instituted, and nearly all human cultures at all times have practiced.




Does the World Have Enough Babies?
Does the World Have Enough Babies?


Does the World have Enough Babies? There have been a number of articles appearing lately that highlight a serious and growing problem for our nation, and we are not alone. Nearly every other nation in the world is facing it, too, and to a much greater degree than the United States.



Unmarried Birthrates Decline – First Time Since 1940
Unmarried Birthrates Decline – First Time Since 1940


Unmarried Birthrates Decline- First Time Since 1940: It looks like we might be seeing a bit of a slow-down in two important family formation trends that have been moving in troubling upward directions over the last few decades.



Key Findings of Mark Regnerus' New Family Structure Study
Key Findings of Mark Regnerus’ New Family Structure Study


Key Findings of Mark Renerus‘ New Family Structure Study: the New Family Structure Study (NFSS) suggests notable differences on many outcomes do, in fact, exist [between same-sex, intact-married, and biological homes]. This is inconsistent with claims of ‘no differences’ generated by studies that have commonly employed far narrower samples than this one.”

Eating Chicken, Making a Statement
Eating Chicken, Making a Statement





Healthy Families: A Community's Most Effective Social Justice Agent
Healthy Families: A Community’s Most Effective Social Justice Agent


Healthy Families: A Community’s Most Effective Social Justice Agent: A common contemporary understanding of social justice assumes large government solutions. Actually government is far from the most effective agent in producing social welfare. Healthy families best serve this necessary social role.


The New Times Cover That is not an Onion Spoof
The New Times Cover That is not an Onion Spoof

Young Adults Consistently Express Marriage and Family as Important Life Goal


Young Adults Consistently Express Marriage and Family as Important Life Goal: Cohabitation and unmarried child-bearing by women in their 20s and 30s have been the huge growth areas in family formation over the past ten years in Western nations, and marriage rates continue to plummet. But how is marriage faring in terms of young people’s attitudes and life dreams?

Look Who's Defending Monogamy
Look Who’s Defending Monogamy





Unmarried Women Boost Record '07 U.S. Birthrate
Unmarried Women Boost Record ’07 U.S. Birthrate


Unmarried Women Boost Record ’07 U.S. BirthrateThere was a great flurry of news last week about an increase for the second consecutive year in teen births. This is notable because the teen birth rate had been consistently declining in the U.S. for the previous 14 years, marking a 33% decline from 1991 to 2005.


Seven Billion and Counting: How Many is Too Many?
Seven Billion and Counting: How Many is Too Many?


Seven Billion and Counting: How Many is Too Many: “The answer to anyone who talks about the surplus population is to ask him whether he is the surplus population, or if he is not, how he knows he is not.”




The Nasty Politics of Parenting Research
The Nasty Politics of Parenting Research




How Fertility Drives the Health of Nations
How Fertility Drives the Health of Nations


How Fertility Drives the Health of Nations: The next generation of teachers, business owners, community leaders, health-care providers, inventors, farmers, tax-payers and consumers are not being born. They don’t just pop up like spring flowers. It is required that the previous generation be very intentional about birthing and raising them.


Senator Franken Gets a Laugh He Didn't Deserve
Senator Franken Gets a Laugh He Didn’t Deserve




Are The Kids Really All Right?
Are The Kids Really All Right?



Are The Kids Really All Right? There has been quite a bit dust kicked up lately about whether boys and girls really need mothers and fathers.


Christianity, Politics, and the 'Submission' Question
Christianity, Politics, and the ‘Submission’ Question
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